Antonio brunner, m.a.
Human Systems and Behavior Consultant
"Come back to yourself!
Uncloud your vision;
Let your inner-wisdom
guide you and realize
your authentic mission."
Antonio Brunner

Training and Experience:​
M.A. Whole Systems Design and Organizational Development, Antioch University, Seattle
B.S. Computer Engineering, Auburn University
Owner of an International Distribution Company
Senior Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
Board Member and two-time President of The Print Suppliers Group, a national corporate consortium
College Professor in Business and Spanish
Leader and Mentor of Applied Mindfulness
Software Project Manager at The Boeing Company
Creator of the Multicultural Complementary Tool (TM)
I enjoy exploring circumstances and helping clients stop all confusion so they can determine what is critically important and start seeing solutions to perceived problems right away. These skills were developed during my many years of training and experience for which I am very grateful, observing and making connections with full awareness and competence in order to uncover the value that exists in all complex situations for my clients.
When it comes to taking critical action, often times either we "rip off the bandage" (and rush into a quick-fix reaction), or we "watch grass grow" (and stay frozen with indecision). The result is that much of our energy then goes into cleaning up collateral damage from our impulsive reaction, or inversely, into tolerating the on-going challenge of our indecisive in-action.
Would you love to channel your energy toward realizing your inspiring and empowering objectives fueled by a clear vision?
We all possess deep wisdom that comes from inner-knowing. But recognizing, and trusting and acting on that deep wisdom takes skill, courage and practice. The more we own, grow and master our skill of accessing our wisdom, the more we can fulfill our clear vision with rapid, laser-like, precise action.
Would you love to master how to collaborate with your inner wisdom to manifest the inspiring and empowering results you dream about?
There are many types of wealth, including financial, physical, spiritual, familial, mental, vocational or social. Becoming clear on the kinds of "wealths" we would love to empower in our lives is a critical piece in the art of living with a clear vision personally and professionally.
Would you love to maintain a clear vision that allows you to tap into your genuine capacity to grow, expand and accumulate each and every one of your inspirational "wealths?"
Please free to reach out!
A 30-minute conversation to help answer questions could make the difference you are looking for in your personal and professional life.
Feel free to click here to assess your needs prior to our call.